The Fylde Coast BSL Centre will take all reasonable steps to meet its responsibilities to staff, volunteers, students and visitors. In all locations where learning is provided Fylde Coast BSL Centre will pay particular attention to the provision, maintenance and monitoring of:
• a safe working and learning environment;
• safe storage of all inherently dangerous materials and substance;
• adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure health & safety at work;
• effective procedures for the evacuation of the building in the event of an emergency; and
• adequate fire precautions and first aid facilities.
Fylde Coast BSL Centre staff will see it as their duty to:
• pay due care and attention to their own safety and that of other staff, volunteers, students and visitors;
• co-operate with all Health &Safety matters;
• read, understand and comply with the Fylde Coast BSL Centre Health & Safety Policy, including updating themselves about relevant policies and procedures;
• not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare;
• inform the appropriate Course Leader/Senior Manager of any dangerous work situations;
• observe and promote healthy and safe working practices; and
• participate in Health &Safety training when required to do so.
Fylde Coast BSL Centre’s commitment is that it will meet the requirements of this Policy Statement by:
• ensuring that this Health & Safety policy is developed, reviewed, understood, accepted and practised;
• arranging for risk assessments to be completed, as necessary; safe systems of work produced and arranging for their implementation including training, resourcing, auditing and monitoring;
• ensuring that all accidents, incidents and near misses are recorded, investigated and appropriate action taken;
• ensuring that all reported incidents are investigated and remedial action taken where identified;
• ensuring that all staff receive the appropriate health and safety training to enable them to carry out their duties safely; and
• identifying adequate resources for implementation of the Health & Safety Policy