January 27, 2011


  • Christmas Party
  • Firefighter takes Foundation BSL Course
    Crew Commander Simon Connor from Wigan Fire Station undertook the Foundation BSL Course in March 2013 in order to assist members of the public that he came across in work situations. His skills have already been put to use, so well done Simon! Simon also arranged a day visit to his station for a group of ...
  • Christmas Party 2013Christmas Party 2013
    For BSL version, please see Christmas Party   Well Christmas is now approaching fast, only 102 days left until the big man himself pays a visit (yes I know it is only September ), so we are now looking at getting together to celebrate the Christmas spirit and all of the success we have had this year. We are ...
  • Cynthia WheatleyCynthia Wheatley
    Janice Crossland-Jones presented Cynthia Wheatley, our lovely Level 1 student, with a lovey bunch of flowers and card from Jan, Gary Cooper, Joan Kenyon, Martyn Kenyon, Jean Newman, Chris Noden and Marie Payne to say Happy Birthday and a huge Thank You for the birthday meal that was generously paid for by Cynthia, where friends and students ...
  • Signed Songs Evening – Date changedSigned Songs Evening - Date changed
      PLEASE NOTE THE DATE OF THIS EVENT HAS NOW BEEN CHANGED TO   SATURDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2013   If you have purchased tickets for this event and would like a refund, please contact Jan or Michelle as soon as possible.   Thank you Following the success of last years ‘Signed Song’ evening, we have arranged for Andy Higgins to return to the ...
  • BSL Poker Afternoon‏BSL Poker Afternoon‏
      The Fylde Coast BSL Centre and Signing in the Community have organised another fun Poker afternoon at the Gentings Casino in Blackpool. Doors open at 12 midday on Saturday 31st August and the first hand is dealt at 1pm. If you enjoy Poker (novice or experienced amateur) then this is a great opportunity to have both ...
  • DeafpoolDeafpool
      Members from The Fylde Coast BSL Centre will be meeting at Revolution on Market Street on Saturday 31st August 2013. For more information, please contact Michelle or Jan at info@fyldecoastbslcentre.co.uk
  • Fire Station Visit
    Members of the Fylde Coast BSL Centre visited Wigan Fire Station on Wednesday 19th June 2013 for a Fire Safety Awareness course that was delivered by Crew Commander Connor. The course was a valuable experience for the attendees, as well as a learning curve for the crew as they gained experience on how to approach a ...
  • Blackpool Gazette May 28th 2013
            By Jacqui Morley                                 How the deaf business executive has come to rely on her Communications PA Communication goes well beyond the spoken word.  It’s in the small but telling giveaways of body language, the evasion or anguish or sudden warmth one can read in someone’s eyes. I’m face to face with two women. One’s doing the talking, but both ...
  • Signature Teacher of the Year AwardSignature Teacher of the Year Award
    We would like to say a huge Thank You to all of you that took time to nominate Janice for Signature’s Annual Award, Teacher of the Year. Janice has now made the shortlist for this award!! We are very honoured and touched by this, and once again want to thank you all. http://www.signature.org.uk/awards/index.php/page/display/208  Fingers Crossed for the Regional Shortlist which is announced ...