Our Online Foundation Course is designed as a basic sign language course to ease beginners into this new visual language. It is undertaken before Signature Level 1 award in BSL and is aimed at all age groups.
The course runs for 5 weeks at a time and is held throughout the year. It is held in a fun, informal and enjoyable environment and does not contain any assessments.
The aim of this foundation course is to provide learners with the basic elements that will allow them to communicate with Deaf people and BSL users. This course is suitable for learners with no previous experience in BSL.
The full cost of this course is £65 but only a £30 deposit is required to secure your place. All funds must be paid prior to the course starting.
Topics covered on the course include:
• An Introduction to Deaf Awareness
• BSL alphabet
• Greetings and take leave signs
• Feelings
• Transport
• Work
• Family
• Numbers and Number uses
• Colours and singing the rainbow
• BSL games including bingo!
• Basic BSL conversation
On completion of the course, students are awarded a certificate of attendance and photographs are taken both for the Centre’s records as well as for our website.

Contact us for information on our next course!