Level 6 NVQ Certificate in BSL, 2014-2015
I’ve loved BSL Level 6 and would definitely recommend others to train using the Fylde Coast BSL Centre. It’s a very positive learning environment with encouraging tutors and an excellent member of the supporting staff
The course is very much hands-on. We were given some paperwork each week but to be fair it’s much better to learn by actually doing. There’s lots of group signing, 1-1 signing and plenty of opportunity to work on your receptive skills. This helped me the most as I could gradually improve at understanding others as they signed to me. You’re allowed to learn by doing. There’s no negative feedback even when you get it wrong. Just lots of calm motivating instruction.
I didn’t have any problems on the course but I did feel that I would have been listened to if it had been needed.
It’s definitely given me the confidence and the ability to go and communicate with any deaf person I meet. The more you mix with the deaf community the better your receptive skills become and the more your confidence grows.