I discovered the Fylde Coast BSL Centre early in 2010 because, having passed my Level 1 over 5 years earlier, I felt I was losing my BSL skills and was keen to progress them further.
I enrolled for the pre-level 2 class which was 4 weeks long. I was very nervous at first. My BSL was indeed very rusty and I found it hard to learn the new things but to recall my Level 1 vocab. Fortunately Jan (the tutor) made it very comfortable in the classroom and encouraged us all to stop her and ask any question.
I must have enjoyed it because I enrolled straight away for the full Level 2 course and am now studying Level 3 – also with Jan. I’ve never felt stupid for asking what seems like a basic question and have enjoyed every lesson. Jan is a grounded, consummate professional but encourages a relaxed, informal lesson style.
Any one considering learning or advancing their BSL or Deaf Studies should approach the Fylde Coast BSL Centre – don’t be shy. It can be hard work, but so rewarding and you meet lovely people.