As you know, The Fylde Coast BSL Centre was set up in Blackpool in 2007. Since then, we have branched out, covering areas such as Yorkshire and Birmingham, with further plans in the pipeline.

To represent this change, we would like to change the name of the centre as well as use a new, fresh logo and this is where we are asking you all to join in.

We are holding a competition in two halves.

Firstly, we are asking you to come up with a new name for the centre, something that represents our passion in both BSL and Deaf Awareness, but also is more inclusive of the areas we now teach in.

Secondly, we are asking all you budding artists out there to design a logo.

The winner of each category will win a free Foundation BSL course for yourself, a loved one or a friend.

We will then choose one overall winner that combines the name and logo. Not only will we use this in all of our new publications, but the winner will receive a family ticket to the Sandcastle Waterpark in Blackpool and a trophy.

The closing date for both categories will be Friday 20th February 2015, with the results announced in March 2015.

Please join in and support us!

Thank you

Janice Crossland-Jones